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Forum Posts

Angela Nguyen-Jones
Sep 01, 2021
In Blog Posts
Hi, I'm part of your facebook page and wanted to respect the rule about not posting external links. However, this link is very important and useful. It's for a page that helps women riders and passengers find protective riding gear. As a female rider, it is sometimes quite challenging to find gear that fits a woman's body due to industry limitations on what they offer. It's practically non-existent in many retail stores/dealerships. So the page is a visual guideline for real women (not models) to see each other wearing gear and determine if a certain brand or piece might fit them. I really wish I could share this on your facebook. We have over 5600 members worldwide, and the group started just this April of 2021. I hope someone will find it useful. It is completely not-for-profit and a great resource because wearing gear can save lives.

Angela Nguyen-Jones

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